Operation Vaccination Campaign

Operation Vaccination Campaign

COVID19 – Please click here to read the British Islamic Medical Associations stance on the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. 

Operation Vaccination is a campaign initiated in late 2020 to increase awareness in Muslim communities about the importance of getting a flu vaccination in winter.

Flu affects our immune system, making it easier for us to contract other infections, like COVID-19 or pneumonia, and can make other long-term illnesses worse. With Muslim communities having higher mortality rates of COVID-19 than any other faith group, flu threatens to further impact the health of our communities.

Operation Vaccination is a campaign initiated by the British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) in late 2020 to increase awareness in Muslim communities about the importance of getting the flu vaccination this winter.

This campaign has the potential to save thousands of lives God Willing (insha’Allah), as past flu outbreaks have caused between 4,000 to 22,000 deaths in England alone.

What can I do?

We are encouraging all Muslim families to vaccinate their children as part of the routine schedule, and ensure all those who are older and at risk also get their flu jabs.

To help your community as part of Operation Vaccination, you can contact your local commissioning organisation and public health body to launch a campaign in your local area, using our toolkit and resources below.

Read more about exactly how you can get involved in our campaign letter (PDF) or click the image below.

Operation Vaccination Campaign

Key facts

Read up more on the key facts (PDF) should you have any queries:

  • Why is it essential to get vaccinated against flu?
  • What do our Islamic teachings say on this issue?
  • Do all flu vaccines contain pork gelatine?
  • Can Muslims choose which flu vaccine is given to their children?
  • Where can I get a flu vaccine?
  • Where can I get more information?

Click here to download a printable version of this poster to display in your mosque (PDF)

Operation Vaccination Campaign

Should my child take Fluenz?

For the 2020/21 flu season, children whose parents refuse Fluenz nasal spray due to the porcine gelatine content may be offered the injectable inactivated flu vaccine as an alternative to Fluenz where stocks allow. This could be delayed due to vaccine shortages and is scheduled for November, subject to availability. The children who are in high risk categories will be prioritised over those objecting to Fluenz on religious grounds.

Speak to a trusted religious scholar about taking Fluenz if you have concerns about it’s porcine gelatine content. Please do not delay this decision as it is important to protect the health of your child if they are in the high risk category.

Click here to download a printable version of this poster to display in your mosque (PDF)

Operation Vaccination Campaign

Do flu vaccines contain pork gelatine?

Not all flu vaccines contain pork gelatine. There are two main types of vaccines available in the UK:

  1. Injectable flu vaccine (used mainly for adults), which does not contain pork gelatine;
  2. Nasal spray vaccine (called Fluenz Tetra, used in children aged 2-18), which does contain pork gelatine.
Operation Vaccination Campaign

In 2020, for the first time, NHS bodies in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be offering the injectable flu vaccine, which does not contain pork gelatine, to children who cannot have the nasal spray vaccine on religious grounds.

Read more information about the provisions for faith communities set out by the NHS here.

Operation Vaccination Campaign

Seven steps to protect your community

To get involved in Operation Vaccination and encourage Muslims in your community to get the flu jab, we recommend the following seven step plan to set up your own campaign, using our toolkit and resources.

  1. Identify your team members and support group.
  2. Know the facts about Fluenz and the flu vaccination.
  3. Familiarise your team with the toolkit and its content.
  4. Contact your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and public health officials, and set agenda points for the discussion.
  5. Prepare important points to discuss in your own strategy meeting.
  6. Meet as part of your local Flu Vaccination Team and plan your cooperative approach.
  7. Go! Begin your campaign and look out for additional toolkit content release.
Operation Vaccination Campaign
Operation Vaccination toolkit

We’ve produced a range of resources, including guidance, top tips template letters to help you set up your local Operation Vaccination campaign and protect your community.

Click here to download a printable version of this poster to display in your mosque (PDF)

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