The Aziz Foundation is running an expanded Masters Scholarship Scheme for 2020, offering 250 scholarships.

The Foundation will award 100% tuition fee Masters scholarships to those lacking the financial means to complete postgraduate degrees at British universities. These scholarships aim to empower British Muslims to bring positive change to their communities and beyond. Thus, they are aimed at those who are committed to improving British society through:

 i)                    Representation and Advocacy: to facilitate better representation and contribution to civil society

ii)                   Community Development: to raise aspirations and standards within British Muslim communities

The 2020 Masters Scholarships applications will open on Tuesday 7th January 2020. Applications will be submitted online, with the application form including questions about financial means, a vision statement of no more than 1,000 words and the names of two referees.

 Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview to explore questions around challenges facing British Muslims; vision and hopes for change; personal qualities needed to succeed; means test – financial barriers faced (student debt, financial commitments.

For more information please visit:

November 7, 2019 in Community Stories, General News
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