Muslim Schools Show Greatest Improvements As GCSE League Tables Published

Muslim faith state schools took all top three positions for progress in the published GCSE league tables for 2019. Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School, Eden Boys’ School and Eden Girls’ school ranked highest for improving their pupils test scores between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4.

The news comes under the backdrop of greater scrutiny on faith schools generally, and shows that many of these schools are in fact high-achieving despite negative perceptions.

Harun Khan, Secretary General of the MCB said, “Credit must go to the teachers, parents, and of course students, at these high performing Muslim faith schools for their excellent achievement. Their results show that with hard-work and dedication children of all backgrounds and in any educational setting can achieve their utmost.”

A spokesperson from the Association of Muslim Schools, which these schools are members of, said, “After first praising and thanking God on the great success of our schools in their GCSE results, we congratulate, whole-heartedly the students, parents, teachers and the leaders of our Muslim faith state schools for their outstanding academic achievement.”

A full breakdown of the results can be found here.

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