During a recent visit to Deaf World UK by the MCB leadership on a special invite by the team, MCB Secretary General Zara Mohammed and Assistant Secretary General engaged with the team using British Sign Language (BSL), highlighting MCB’s commitment to communication and inclusivity.

The visit showcased Deaf World’s key contributions, including offering BSL support at the local mosque for Friday prayers, promoting Cricket for deaf individuals, and supporting driving education for the deaf community. The team recently provided BSL interpretation at the MCBx conference held at Edgbaston, ensuring a focus on inclusivity and diversity throughout the event.

These initiatives aim to empower deaf Muslims and ensure their active participation in both religious and social life.

The MCB leadership team were also introduced to the challenges families with deaf members face, particularly around learning BSL and communication. These barriers often impact effective communication and inclusion, underscoring the importance of community support.

We were impressed with Deaf World UK’s efforts in overcoming these challenges and fostering a more inclusive environment for deaf Muslims.

The visit was a positive and productive experience, reflecting MCB’s dedication to championing organisations that promote accessibility and inclusivity for all Muslims in the UK.

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