16Days 11Hours 58Minutes 02Seconds

Until Ramadan Starts
(subject to lunar sighting)


MCB Responds to Timing of New Lockdown Measures in North England 2 Hours Before Eid Day

“With the first day of Eid being today, for Muslims in the affected areas, it is like being told they cannot visit family and friends for Christmas on Christmas Eve itself. Whilst the safety of communities is of paramount importance, as has remained the case from  the very outset of this crisis, so is effective communication delivered in a timely fashion.

“Failure to communicate makes it difficult for communities across the country to continue working together to minimise the spread of the virus, whilst eroding trust in the ability of authorities to steer our course as we tackle the COVID-19 crisis.

“The UK Government has failed to provide clarity on the shockingly short notice and the reasoning behind the new rules that British Muslims deserve – any such clarification would be most welcome.”


Noted to Editors:

  • An earlier clarification statement on Eid prayers was issued by MCB yesterday evening. Click here to read.
  • The Muslim Council of Britain has worked with the British Islamic Medical Association to produce advice on how best Muslims can celebrate Eid al-Adha safely and in accordance with public health guidance in England. Click here to download the guidance here.


July 31, 2020 in MCB Updates, Press Releases
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